
Consequences of the Fuel Hike

During the campaign process in 2015, the present administration promised Nigerians that we were going to be better off than we were as a people and as a nation if they won the election. I guess the “CHANGE” mantra was only used to delude and deceive the electorate to get elected at all cost. A year and a month after taking over from the opposition all we can see and say are the untold hardship Nigerians are facing in all works of life. Tough and delicate questions were not asked during the electioneering campaign and this is part of what has brought the country on its knees.

Firstly, we were told that there was nothing called subsidy and that it was all a fraud. We knew the system was rigged and corrupt and it needed an overhaul. Nigerians were elated that finally the operations of the oil cabal who had made so much from the proceeds of their illicit acts were finally coming to an end. Little did we know that the subsidy removal would bring untold hardship on the populace and cause inflation on the prices of commodities and goods.

Fuel scarcity in Nigeria.
Fuel scarcity in Nigeria.

The President during his campaign promised he was going to make sure that the pump price of PMS was reduced to Forty five naira per litre.

What is the pump price today if I may ask? It is now One hundred and forty five naira per litre. Maybe the President forgot to include the One hundred naira in front of it. Before the removal of the subsidy, the government was subsidizing a litre of petrol at N13.70 kobo which meant if that was added to the then recomended pump price of N86.50 kobo the total would be N100.20 kobo. I would like everyone to do the maths.

The real question here is where is the N44.80 kobo going to? Does it mean that we are taxed N44.80 buying a litre of fuel? I don’t know if my maths is failing me or am just of the opinion that my simple arithemetic is just so wrong. We need to ask the tough questions as to why the prices were fixed at N145 knowing fully well that the price of a barrel of oil is just above $50.

Please weigh in your opinions and responses.

Ken O.




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